Aim for performance for your Users

Would you like to offer a digital service that's 100% available to your visitors, even during marketing campaigns, media exposure or other events that drive traffic to your web portals?
NFrance will work with you to ensure that your website is available at all times.

A website that's 100% available even during peak periods

Our team guarantees a high-performance digital service for your visitors, helping you to..:

  • Prevent the risk of service slowdowns and/or interruptions,
  • Avoid user abandonment
  • Assessing risks and critical thresholds
  • Anticipate and simulate the consequences of an increase in load
  • Implement solutions to cope

How can you guarantee the performance of your web applications?

NFrance works with you to carry out load tests.

Our team assists you with the scenario and mobilizes an infrastructure of dedicated injectors (servers/network). They carry out the load test(s) and provide you with a report including raw results, analysis and optimization recommendations.

Customized support

Our team can load test and optimize the performance of your web applications by carrying out the following operations:
  • Scenario design and production,
  • Optimization of hosting platforms,
  • Implementation of a target hosting infrastructure dedicated to shooting,
  • Repetition of the same load shot.

Opt for high availability!