Digital innovation: why capitalize on open source?

Published on April 8, 2021 by Laure - Updated on 14 mai 2024 à 14H04

In the web world, open source technologies play a major role, such as the LAMP (Linux, Apache, MySQL, PHP) free software suite or Node.js, the pillar of the full stack approach to building web servers. Why use open source technologies? Find out more about the benefits of open source for companies, customers and users alike.

What are the advantages of open source?

Open source open source have freely accessible source code. As a result, researchers, developers, hackers and students can share their knowledge and help each other to offer solutions that are always solutions. By leaving the source code open, it can be re-read and improved by the whole community, making Open Source solutions highly competitive with proprietary software. The possibilities for modifying and improving these solutions are almost unlimited.

In fact, 29% of companies turn to open source because it gives them access to the latest innovations. For example, Big Data, artificial intelligence and machine learning are almost entirely based on open source software*.

Among the other advantages of open source, companies also mention better securitybetter quality software access to support and the ability to customize software..*

on the other, the cost of an open source solution is lower, as there is often no license to buy for its use.

*Source: Why we live in an increasingly open-source world"

Certifications ISO 27001 et HDS - NFrance

Open source technologies: the choice of NFrance teams

NFrance has been using open source technologies for more than 20 years to meet the needs of its customers for dedicated dedicated environments customizable environments.
By opting for this open source software, NFrance saves time in the software implementation process, notably by deleting the acquisition and audit phases associated with the purchase of proprietary licenses, but also by facilitating the handling of any malfunctions by exchanging information directly with the authors of the source code.

This approach is essentially pragmatic. It enables us to respond to two key challenges: to have an SLA (Service-Level Agreement) that comprehensively covers the entire service while minimizing escalation to third-party service providers, and to avoid being dependent on the pricing policies of software publishers.

Joris Dedieu, Technical Manager at NFrance

NFrance has chosen open source technologies for its infrastructures (The Foreman, OVirt, FreeIPA), its network (Vyos, openvswitch,Haproxy), its DNS infrastructure (PowerDNS) and also for most of its storage (ZFS).

Do you have an IT project? Would you like to capitalize on open source?