IRP AUTO opts for enhanced monitoring

Published on February 28, 2020 by Laure - Updated on 14 mai 2024 à 14H04

Since 2013, NFrance has been supporting IRP AUTO, the social protection group for automotive services professionals, in hosting and outsourcing its web portal. The platform's needs have evolved over time. IRP AUTO provides social protection (prevention, health, provident, savings, retirement and social action) for over a million people in this industry.

In 2018, NFrance proposed to strengthen and refine the monitoring of IRP AUTO's School Principal website with the installation of Evertest application probes. These probes test the smooth running of a navigation scenario on the site. The aim is to identify errors/unavailabilities by following the steps in the scenario, and thus determine areas for improvement and corrective action. Thanks to a support service to analyze the results of the Evertest probes, NFrance has identified problems and areas for improvement. There are already plans to implement similar probes at other Group sites.

Evertest application probes

To ensure optimum supervision, NFrance is planning to install Evertest-type application probes. These external probes enable a representative user scenario to be replayed every 15 minutes at 5 different measurement points. scenario representative of a User. Evertest probes measure both availability and performance on representative business scenarios.

Objectives :

  • Provide metrics on site availability,
  • Study site behavior according to a multi-stage execution scenario,
  • Confirm areas for improvement.
The service includes a monthly report per probe.

Steps and functions

  • 5 measurement points in different geographical locations and with different latencies and bandwidths;
  • Test periodicity: 15 minutes;
  • For each instance :
    • A video of the test,
    • A set of metrics associated with each step.
  • For each stage, visualization according to the following Indicators:
    • Time to completion
    • Speed index
    • Time according to various indicators
    • Number of items recovered per stage
  • In a nutshell: regular snapshots of browser viewing mode.

Numbers and metrics

For each step in the scenario, we record the completion time. The report gives us the maximum and minimum length of this completion time.
Key metrics :

  • Timeout reached on complete scenario (set to 30s)
  • Timeout reached on a stage (deducted from the complete scenario)
When timeout is exceeded :
  • The step and the entire scenario go into error
  • Incremental unavailability percentage

Chiffres et métriques IRP Auto - NFrance
Chiffres et métriques IRP Auto - NFrance

Metrics analysis, interpretation and improvement proposals

Detailed analysis of errors and timeouts enables us to highlight and isolate problems according to their nature (applications, infrastructure or network), and thus to confirm hypotheses that will enable us to define the causes of unavailability.
These analyses can be carried out by NFrance at the customer's request, as part of the monthly or quarterly reporting process.