Meet David, Systems Engineer

Published on April 5, 2022 by Laure - Updated on 14 mai 2024 à 14H04

Meet David, who is currently a Systems Engineer and joined the NFrance teams in 2021.

What's your background?

I did a Bac+5 in Computer Science at the SupInfo school in Martinique and Toulouse. At the end of my degree, I was hired by an ESN to work on operational maintenance of Linux systems and third-party application maintenance on virtualization and security issues, among others. After a few years, I joined a hosting company and software publisher to ensure the operational maintenance of their datacenter, the evolution of new architectures for customers, level 3 support and virtualization.

I was also in charge of developing the technical environment and infrastructure support for developers.

In 2021, I joined NFrance to give a new direction to my career and get back to working as part of a team.

david ingénieur système
david ingénieur système

Can you tell us about your job? What is a Systems Engineer at NFrance?

I'm in charge of operational maintenance for the various internal and customer infrastructures. Server configuration, incident management... it's a pretty broad job.
I'm also involved in build projects, i.e. the deployment of new infrastructures for our customers.
I also work on evolution projects, which may involve creating new product lines or optimizing infrastructure deployment via kubernetes, for example.
Alongside this, I reserve a little time for IT monitoring, which is essential in our business, particularly when it comes to security breaches. And on a day-to-day basis, there are also emergencies to deal with.

What are the strengths of your position?

You get to work on projects or new product lines. It's very motivating.
What's more, I've found a team spirit. Everyone communicates together, it's cross-functional. There's always someone to help you if you have a question. Colleagues are very approachable and available.

What motivated you to join NFrance?

What appealed to me was that NFrance is an independent hosting company with its own infrastructure. The scope is very broad. As a result, we're involved in a number of different professions and virtually all areas of IT within the same company.

The technical environment is quite advanced. It's fair to say that we use the hottest products of the moment. NFrance mainly uses open source, whereas I used to work on proprietary software. This has enabled me to discover a number of new technologies: ansible, oVirt, kubernetes, puppet... NFrance does a lot of high-volume network traffic and I hadn't yet used adapted tools like varnish and HAproxy.

How did your integration go?

The support I received was very well put together. I started with support activities to get to know the customer context, the scope and the different players. I was then paired up with a member of the technical team to increase my Skills on the build and technology side. During the first few months, I attended several training courses and was regularly monitored by my manager and the HR team. New employees have a personalized operational integration plan, the aim of which is to structure their skills development. It's reassuring to know where we stand in our progress.

3 words to describe NFrance to candidates?

  1. I'd say "Geek", as there are quite a few enthusiasts in the team. It's easy to talk about technology and IT news.
  2. There's a lot of teamwork.
  3. And the technical scope, which I find vast and challenging.

What do you like about NFrance?

  • The good atmosphere among colleagues!
  • The corporate culture and shared values. The management's focus on service quality is an approach that speaks to me.
  • There's regular monitoring by the manager and HR, which is reassuring.
  • The cutting-edge technical environment, as I said!