Meet Maxime, Technical Expert

Published on January 20, 2021 by Laure - Updated on 14 mai 2024 à 14H04

After graduating with a bachelor's degree in computer science, I joined the Telecommunications Systems and Computer Networks master's program at the University of Toulouse. After graduating in 2014, the opportunity arose to join NFrance to strengthen the system Settings teams.

Can you tell us about your background before NFrance?

After graduating with a bachelor's degree in computer science, I entered the Master's program in Telecommunications Systems and Computer Networks at the University of Toulouse. During this course, I did a two-year Course alternation as a developer for an automotive supplier.

What made you want to join the NFrance teams?

The company appealed to me because of its human scale. The job was varied, and I was looking for a certain diversity in terms of Skills.What's more, I could see that there were plenty of opportunities to progress at NFrance, which was an important point for me.

Témoignage Maxime NFrance
Témoignage Maxime NFrance

How did you get involved with NFrance?

I joined NFrance as a Systems Administrator. I was in charge of designing architectures and setting up infrastructures for our customers' web hosting projects. I also supported them in the day-to-day running of their websites. After three years, I began to specialize in supporting major accounts, which enabled me to develop my expertise. There are more machines to deploy, different ways of working and different issues. We go from projects with 5/6 servers to more than 100 machines, which means different challenges and a lot of technical diversity. Two years later, an internal opportunity arose on the network side. It was an opportunity to continue my development at NFrance, which fits in well with the path I'd set myself.

What's your day-to-day life like as a technical expert?

My role is to provide connectivity between our servers and our customers, and to ensure that they are performing well. My day-to-day activities involve project management, which involves setting up new infrastructures, migrating platforms or updating solutions, monitoring network activities to ensure continuity of service, and operating equipment to meet certain requirements.

What do you appreciate about your job?

I like the fact that I can discover different technical subjects and apply them to my work. And I feel I'm involved in the decisions that are made, bringing my own vision to bear.

What qualities do you think are required for this job?

I'd say you need to be open-minded and take other people's opinions into account - it's a team job. Technical curiosity is also important, as you need to be constantly on the lookout for new developments to maintain a broad vision of the business. And finally, you need to be rigorous in your work, as a network incident can affect a large number of people. It's a critical environment, with a lot at stake.

What are your key references in your field?

I try to multiply my sources! I refer a lot to publishers' websites, like Cisco's Blog for example. I also consult magazines, and the team subscribes to LinuxMag. Otherwise, I receive content from various RSS feeds to keep up with the latest news.

What do you like about NFrance?

The human scale. Unlike large structures where it can sometimes be a bit complicated to exchange and obtain information, at NFrance the people we deal with are easily identifiable, so it's easier to work together. And I can contribute my point of view, which is very rewarding.

If you hadn't done this job, what would you have done?

I'd have gone into science, especially mathematical research!