NFrance interconnects with Renater to guarantee a reliable, secure IT network for its customers in the education sector

Published on March 8, 2022 by Laure - Updated on 14 mai 2024 à 14H04

Digital Practices now affect the entire Educational community. Providing schools with a secure, reliable computer network under all circumstances is a real challenge. That's why NFrance has joined the Renater network, to reinforce the quality of service it provides to its customers in the education sector.

Increasing digital Practices in education: high availability of services in all circumstances

With the mass adoption of digital Practices in learning, and the increasing use of collaboration and communication tools, etc., educational establishments are faced with a regular need for increased capacity, greater and permanent availability of network service, and higher levels of throughput, whatever the level of activity, educational establishments are faced with a regular need for increased capacity, greater and permanent availability of network service, and higher throughput levels, whatever the level of activity.

Additional needs include reducing the risk of service interruptions and distributed denial-of-service (DDoS) attacks, which have increased significantly in recent years.

In response to these legitimate expectations, NFrance is pursuing its commitment to quality of service for the teaching and research sector by joining the Renater network.

Infogérance pour l'éducation
Infogérance pour l'éducation

NFrance and Renater: network expertise for the Educational community

Renater is the benchmark for digital infrastructures in the Teacher and Research community.
It designs and operates the secure ultra-high-speed network providing national and international connectivity for over 2 million users (students, teachers, researchers) acrossUsers (students, teachers, researchers), across 1,400 teaching and research sites, thanks to 12,000 km of optical fibers and 72 points of presence (PoPs).

NFrance assure l'hébergement et l'infogérance dans le secteur de l''éducation
NFrance assure l'hébergement et l'infogérance dans le secteur de l''éducation

Supported by a Groupement d'Intérêt Public (GIP), it is made up of the French Ministry of Education, the Ministry of Higher Education, Research and Innovation, the CNRS, the CPU, the CEA, Inria, CNES, INRA, Inserm, Onera, Irresearch and Innovation.Higher Education, Research and Innovation, CNRS, CPU, CEA, Inria, CNES, INRA, Inserm, Onera, Irstea, IRD and BRGM.

RENATER is also an active member of the international GEANT network, at the heart of research and education networks in Europe. Thanks to interconnections with its 38 national European partner networks, the GÉANT network connects over 50 million Users.

This direct link to the Renater network involves setting up a 10 Gb dark fiber link between the NFrance Datacenter and the Renater point of presence at Toulouse's Paul Sabatier University. The link will ensure long-term, optimized access to the Renater network, thanks to its redundancy, reliability and performance.

What's in it for education players?

The link between the NFrance datacenter and Renater provides very high network throughput capacity in excess of 100 Gbit/s on certain routes, thanks in particular to the deployment of an optical fiber.

Through a dedicated infrastructure, Schools, Resources publishers or Local authorities managing School networks protect themselves against potential DDoS attacks attacks thanks to the secure network.

By being supported by a GIP, connection to the Renater network provides the Educational community with data and metadata protection in compliance with the RGPD legal framework.

Discover our education offer

At NFrance, our teams of experts are here to to advise and support you to help you take all the necessary steps to ensure your site's 24-hour security. Don't hesitate to contact an NFrance expert if you have any questions at 05 34 45 55 00 or click on the button.

une solution d'hébergement et d'infogérance pour l'éducation
une solution d'hébergement et d'infogérance pour l'éducation

Une solution adaptée au monde de l'éducation