Guaranteed data protection and business continuity

NFrance offers a Disaster Recovery Plan (DRP) solution to reinforce the security of your critical applications in a backup datacenter, guaranteeing business continuity in the event of a disaster (fire, industrial disaster) or cyber attack.

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The benefits of a disaster recovery plan

Ensure business continuity in the event of a disaster by minimizing RTO (Recovery Time Objective)

Replication for enhanced data protection

Implement safety measures defined in advance and tested regularly.

A high-security disaster recovery plan

We can provide you with a High-Security Disaster Recovery Plan. It is based onredundancy infrastructure and storagein a remote datacenter, enabling simple, controlled deployment deployment.
On the remote secondary datacenter (PRA), NFrance has computing capacity, storage and routing capacities.A copy of backup data is sent daily to this datacenter.
We can offer youhosting offer in degraded or full modewith an RTO/ RPO to be defined in advance with you
NFrance-Niveaux PRA
NFrance-Niveaux PRA
NFrance's different levels of disaster recovery capability

Architecture PRA NFrance
Architecture PRA NFrance

Diagram of NFrance's DRP levels and architecture

Our PRA offer

  • Outsourced data backup in a datacenter in France
  • Rental of resources in a remote datacenter
  • Definition of an organizational and functional disaster recovery plan based on customer requirements
  • Annual test of disaster recovery plan

How can our team help you set up your DRP?

Architecture PRA NFrance

Audit of your challenges and needs

L'Grading and risk analysis for each Job title is carried out to determine the Resources required to run your business.
A specifications is drawn up to define the focus of your DRP. This document highlights the various crisis scenarioslikely to occur.

Architecture PRA NFrance

Setting up tests

The PRA is tested under real-life conditionsto confirm its reliability. This procedure verifies that the disaster recovery plan is still efficient, and that the recovery mechanism is well mastered by all the players involved in the company, enabling failures to be detected and corrected rapidly.

Architecture PRA NFrance

Continuous improvement of the DRP

Evolution of the disaster recovery plan in line with changes to your company's information system. Our teams work with you to carry out audit of your company's stakes, in order to revise your disaster recovery plan if necessary, based on the results of the analysis.

Our Cloud offers

NFrance public/hybrid cloud

We offer a scalable architecture based on shared infrastructure (public cloud) or combining shared infrastructure and dedicated physical servers (hybrid cloud).

Discover the NFrance public/hybrid cloud

Private cloud

You benefit from a customized architecture based on a dedicated Cloud infrastructure guaranteeing high levels of availability and security.

Discover our Private Cloud offer