Valoris Développement

A public cloud cluster architecture for its network of temporary employment agencies

Founded in 2000, Valoris Développement is better known under the name of Temporis, the network of temporary employment agencies it runs.Based in the Toulouse Region, this network brings together over 150 temporary employment agencies across France, including 8 in the Occitanie region.

"Temporis is now a recognized network in the world of franchising. Its longevity and controlled development make it a professional network with real know-how. "
Laurence POTTIER CAUDRONTPresident of Valoris Développement

Valoris Développement
Valoris Développement
Temporis - Valoris
Temporis - Valoris

Assignment needs

NFrance and Valoris Développement have been working closely together since 2006. At the time, the agency's architecture consisted of standalone virtual servers.In 2017, Valoris launched a study to upgrade its hosting platform in response to the increase in the number of franchisees, the launch of the Mobile application and the overhaul of their web platform. This context confirms the need to implement an architecture capable of meeting the new volumetric challenges.

"This hosting project had to meet the new scalability challenges of the Temporis network. "
David CALMEJANEDigital Development Manager at Valoris Développement

Besoins Valoris
Besoins Valoris

The speed of data processing and the computing power delivered have enabled us to employ innovative technologies to enhance the User experience.

David CALMEJANEDigital Development Manager at Valoris Développement

The project

In order to respond to the various issues identified, NFrance has implemented a new multi-tier high-availability architecturearchitecture within its virtualized Public Cloud. The hardware foundation is based on pools of latest-generation Intel Xeon hypervisors and redundant EMC storage.

The solution is based on proven clustering and replication technologies:

  • Database cluster with multi-master capability and synchronous replication
  • Load balancing, failover and high-density proxy for web and SGL services
  • Network resilience operator (IP failover)
  • Advanced-granularity, high-performance cache administrator
  • Failover storage

The technologist employed for our hosting perfectly responded to the development of new BtoB and BtoC functionalities that we wanted to implement within the Temporis network.

David CalmejaneDigital Development Manager at Valoris Développement


This dual approach to resilience avoids single points of failure and ensures a very high level of high level of application availabilitySince its commissioning, this platform has fulfilled its commitments, supporting the load of various communication campaigns and the increase in the number of franchisees and temporary customers.

Key figures

No. 1 franchised employment agency network
150 generalist agencies
8500 temporary clients delegated per day

Key points

  • Very high availability
  • Database cluster
  • Load balancing