Toulouse Métropole renews its confidence in NFrance

Published on October 16, 2020 by Laure - Updated on 14 mai 2024 à 14H04

NFrance and Toulouse Métropole have been working closely together since 2015. In 2020, Toulouse Métropole is renewing its trust in NFrance to host, operate and maintain its outsourced internet platform.

Close collaboration since 2015

NFrance supports a wide range of business sectors, including web agencies, e-commerce, banking and insurance, education and local authorities. In 2015, the city of Toulouse and the urban community of Toulouse Métropole selected NFrance to host, operate and maintain their outsourced internet platform. The project involved migrating the entire platform and implementing a dedicated architecture guaranteeing permanent access to all Toulouse Métropole portals: a package of teleservices and online procedures for Toulouse users of the Mon Toulouse portal, for example.

Consult the initial project

Toulouse Métropole - projet NFrance
Toulouse Métropole - projet NFrance

Renewed confidence in 2020

Confiance renouvelée Toulouse Métropole NFrance
Confiance renouvelée Toulouse Métropole NFrance

Toulouse Métropole has decided to renew its contract with NFrance to host, operate and maintain its outsourced Internet platform. The new contract involves migrating the entire platform, based on a dedicated private architecture, toNFrance's new Cloud Pro platform, guaranteeing secure, high-availability access to all Toulouse Métropole portals.

To guarantee the availability of all sites, the NFrance team will set up all the necessary systems:
  • 24/7/365 supervision
  • In-depth monitoring
  • Personalized support
  • Technical expertise in Cloud architecture
  • Infrastructure security (ISO 27001-certified datacenteranti-DDoS protection...)
  • Expertise in Open Source technologies

Local player NFrance, which had fulfilled its commitments in the previous contract, has renewed its offer to be once again the most competitive. This offer provides service levels guaranteeing 24/7 availability of Toulouse Metropolitan Council sites and Services.

Olivier CLARIMON, Head of Systems & Applications at Toulouse City Council's Digital Services Department.